Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 2 - Boring, but got some stuff done

yesterday I don't even know what time i woke up. There really did not seem like there was a reason for me to wake up at any decent time. As soon as I did wake up, however, I got dressed and went out to run some errands. Since I don't have a car this means walking. But it wasn't bad, it was actually a pretty nice day. This weekend my buddy is getting married so I needed to buy some nice clothes and get a haircut. My haircuts consist of basically getting a buzz cut. Since it wasn't convenient for any of my friends to do this simple procedure, I had to go to a salon to get it done. So I paid $12 for a nice lady to run a trimmer over my head. It probably took all of 8 minutes. Next I walked to J.C. Penney's since it was the closest clothing store. I don't usually shop there, I usually buy cheap clothes, but I needed to look nice. So I went in and wandered around for awhile and learned something. Even though I am thick around the waist, I am neither big nor tall. So I have that going for me.

After I bought the clothes I walked over to Subway for some food and got a call from a buddy. Later that night we hung out. What is funny is what we did. He lives with like 5 other guys who were all home. We made tacos to eat and sat around and watched The Incredibles. Now this is a bunch of guys who's ages range from 18-25 watching a Disney movie...but The Incredibles is too good to worry about if you look gay or not.

After that I went home and basically went to bed. Nothing else to really do. Tomorrow will be a little more exciting since Burn Notice finally has a new episode airing and also I got Bourne Identity mailed to my from NetFlix. I think I am the only person who has not watched any Bourne movies...but that will change in the coming weeks since they are the next 3 in my queue. Then its HellBoy, another movie I haven't seen that I should have.

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