Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 1 - No X-Box and Long wait in sight

Last night I stayed up until 3:30 playing Virtua Tennis 3. I had finally leveled up my player to what I wanted and was now dominating the tournaments. By the end of the night I was ranked #2 in the world heading into the final grand slam tournament of the season, I had won the last 3. I had owned this game for about a week, but had just started to really get into it after watching the Federer-Nadal Wimbledon final just the other day. So at 3:30 am last night with my #2 ranking in hand I decided to stop playing for the night. A big reason for this was my thumb had started cramping up which happened because I needed to hold down on the buttons in order to get more powerful shots. Anyways, I had decided to give my thumb a rest.

Today I woke up at around 12 (yeah I know, lazy) and after showering and all that I decided to turn on the old X-Box. Today being Tuesday means the new DLC for Rock Band is out, and for this week it means 4 new songs including 2 Rush sons,which I was excited about. Also I needed to get the #1 spot in Virtua Tennis. So I went to turn on the game and nothing. No response whatsoever to me pressing the on button. Same went for me pressing the eject button. Nothing. No clicking noise and no red ring of death; just nothing. So I checked all the power, even though I knew nothing had changed since the night before, and tried it again. Nothing.

This couldn't have come during a worse-better time. Techincally I should be working on school work, since I have an incomplete to finish and a thesis prospectus to write. Sure I could use more time to do that stuff, but my ADD does not let me concentrate on things not blinking for more the 30 minutes. On the other hand, next week Rock Band is releasing the long awaited Who song pack which I have been waiting for and also next weekend I am having NCAA '09 delivered to my apartment. So what the hell am I going to do while I wait for my XBox to be fixed? In the coming weeks I will write down all that I experience throughout this ordeal. Hopefully it will make me a stronger person, and perhaps it will end my dependency on video games; until I get it back of course since I will have NCAA '09 by then and Rock Band II comes out in September!

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